Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Keyscaper Test at Talladega

It was a few months ago I discussed with Toni at Keyscaper about testing a theory on one of their products at the race track later on this year.  I went to Talladega this past weekend and did a test on two products that every race fan needs to know about, because in the long haul, it could save you money and a cell phone battery.

Keyscaper's DJ Style Headphones
Keyscaper Power Bank
Like myself, some race fans can't afford to rent a scanner at the track like some do, or Sprint Fan Vision.  I used NASCAR Mobile this weekend, however, I took a set of Keyscaper DJ Style headphones with me to the track.  Someone at the track asked why I brought a set of No. 6 headphones to the track, I told them "To test something out for a friend on a theory we had."  On Saturday, I was able to listen to Chris Buescher's complete radio feed with no problems hearing the radio, I had a good service with Verizon at the track.  The headset muffed a lot of the noise the cars put out, and being that Talladega is such a large place it was only a major problem with the cars were around me for about 5-8 seconds a lap. 

The design of the headphones really helped to muff some of the noise around me including some trashy talking fans from Ohio. Here's the one thing that I recommend, bring a power bank with some extra power support for you at the track because it seemed NASCAR Mobile drawn down a lot of my power in my phone after two hours.  I had two of Keyscaper's Trevor Bayne Power Bank chargers with me, and was able to keep my phone going through both events this weekend at the speedway.

My disappointment was when I went to the Fanatics Roush Fenway hauler and only seen two phone cases
for each driver in the hauler and nothing else from Keyscaper.  Fans will purchase a power bank I am sure at the track and the headphones as well, its just the matter of the company running the show putting it out there for them. 

I told the salesman at the hauler that I was a friend of Keyscaper's owner and really thought they needed more of their products on the shelf at the track.  He just said "well we're putting what we can, I didn't even know they made this stuff."

Visit Keyscaper's Amazon Store to find their great items  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Trevor+Bayne+Keyscaper&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ATrevor+Bayne+Keyscaper

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