Monday, November 2, 2015

The past two weekends show why NASCAR is losing its integrity

First when a guy takes out another to deliberately cause a caution flag and end the event, so he can advance into the next round of the Chase and NASCAR says there is nothing wrong with it.  The following week, a guy five laps down to the race leader plays judge, jury, and executioner all in the same incident by taking out the race leader because he didn't like how a race finished two weeks ago.
NASCAR is losing its hold on what matters.  There is no integrity left in the sport, because NASCAR has let it slip away with this new generation.  I listened to Chocolate Myers this morning on Sirius Radio and I whole heartily agree with him.  What happened yesterday made me sick to be a NASCAR fan, I like Myers have been a part of this sport for my entire life and have seen just about every race since the mid 1980s.  When I see fans praise an idiot that is five laps down take out the race leader, you are just wrong.

Back in the 1990s, I was a Mark Martin fan.  I never once seen Mark Martin take his revenge out on someone on the track.  He wasn't that type of guy.  Like Myers said this morning I can't remember a time when Dale Earnhardt was five laps down and took a race leader out that was running for a championship.  There were a lot of races through the 1990s I seen Earnhardt take someone out while racing for the win, I seen Jeff Gordon and Rusty Wallace do it a few times around Richmond.  The fact is the integrity of this sport has been lost because we don't have patrons left that carry on what this sport really has stood for over the years.

These last two weeks I have really seen a black eye put on the sport that Big Bill France built.  When you have two guys that have deliberately made their minds up to be judge and jury and change the total outcome of how this championship is going to be played out, it is me.  Who do I blame for this change in the sport, Brian France and Mike Helton for allowing this nonsense to go on and on.  I think NASCAR needs to set a standard now with Kenseth after taking Logano out on Sunday.  Here is why.

In November of 2011, NASCAR suspended Kyle Busch for taking Ron Hornaday out of a Camping World Truck Series event and deliberately changing the outcome of the Truck Series championship, now we're in a different series.  We're talking Sprint Cup and the fact is a standard is much higher in Sprint Cup than the two lower tier divisions of NASCAR; so I believe Kenseth needs to face a much harsher penalty.

Kenseth's fans want to argue that there is no difference in what happened Sunday than what happened in the race at Kansas.  If you think that you are out of your mind because there is a BIG BIG difference in the two situations.  When you are racing for the win and you block a guy, not once, not twice, but three times, you are asking to get punted.  That was racing for the win.  People say Logano did it to keep Kenseth out of the Chase, well the fact is, it is Logano's job to win races every given Sunday.  Kenseth's deal on Sunday was premeditated and that is the big difference.

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