Monday, May 4, 2015

Talladega Experience

Since there isn't much to review about Trevor Bayne's bad day at Talladega, I figured I would give fans my taste of what it's like to be at Talladega.

I've been to Talladega several times, but this one was the doozie of them all.  My best friend bought tickets in the lower end of Talladega grandstand.  Low and be hold on Saturday when we went to the Xfinity race, we already had our first wild Talladega drunk already there.  It's bad when you can smell the stinch of alcohol coming off of a person and the race hasn't even taken the green flag yet, isn't it?  He had words with my buddies father in law a few times and we moved to a different section since no one had purchased Xfinity Series in the upper levels of that grandstand.

The Xfinity Series race had excitement and a great finish, but the best part was introducing my friends two little daughters into the racing world.  One is just about to turn two and the other is seven, and they enjoyed the fast pace racing.  The little one wouldn't keep her headset on.

On Sunday, my buddy John's father in law Tim said "Lord I hope that trashy drunk isn't around us again today"  Low and be hold there the guy was and smelled even worse than he did the day before.  Trevor looked solid early in the race, and I thought he had a car capable of challenging for the lead as he got up to third place but when Menard and Busch got beside him the car turned around from the air being taken off the back of his car.  When Bayne was interviewed he said his feelings were a little hurt from having such a fast car and losing it.

The drunk Harvick fan that ran his mouth to Tim finally did to me.  He said that boy Bayne needs to learn to show some emotion on the radio, cuss a little, say the F word.  So me, already being mad enough from the wreck opened my mouth "That's the reason I like that boy, he doesn't cuss on the radio, on TV, or anywhere else, he's not a Jack Kevin Harvick."  So he came back at me with "Well you just have a bad taste in drivers"

Talladega can bring out some of the trash and we seen it this past week.  I have a feeling next time we'll be sitting in a different grandstand.