Monday, January 11, 2016

New Ford Fusion Design Is Different - Here is the Differences from 2015

Ford unveiled it's new design for the 2017 Ford Fusion today and even if you aren't seeing the differences in the car they are there.  On the right is a picture where there are colored arrows that are pinpointing the differences in the 2017 Ford Fusion to last year's model that the Ford Performance race teams ran on the track in the Sprint Cup Series last season.  Ford has won a total of 71 races the last seven years with the Fusion, including 4 of the last 7 Daytona 500s.

  • White Arrow on the Bottom:  Honeycomb area of the nose replaces the bumpy lines that have been seen on the Ford Fusion since the Gen-6 Ford Fusion debuted in 2013.  And it is a decal instead of an insert.
  • Yellow Arrow:  The Fog Lights on the Ford Fusion have more of a cove than last years model
  • White Arrow At the Top:  The Greenhouse Area of the Ford Fusion has become bigger 
  • Blue Arrow:  The cove above the side skirts from last years model are gone.  
  • Green Arrow:  It appears that there is less of a cove in the rear fenders 
"There's no mistaking we're here to win races and championships," said Dave Pericak global director for Ford Performance.  "And we believe the new NASCAR Fusion will be a powerful tool in the hands of our teams and drivers."

"Aerodynamics are more important than ever at speeds these cars run," he stated.  "So we used some of the best wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamics technology available to create this new Fusion.  Fortunately, the Ford design team gave us a great car with which to start."

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